A.P. Schalick High School Academy Programs:
Please contact Salem County Vocational TechnicalSchool at (856) 769-0101 Ext. 374 Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
The Academy of Creative and Performing Arts: Dance
Dance is designed for the serious-minded studentwho wishes to explore their artistic discipline fully. Its goal is tointroduce students to the variety of disciplines within the field of dance andequip them with a high degree of technical proficiency in thosedisciplines. In addition, students will gain a basic understanding of thehistorical development of dance and be able to present analysis of works of artfrom a structural, historical, and cultural perspective.
Students become well-versed in the language ofdance and will have the opportunity to develop personal creativity andself-discipline. The areas of instruction in this program include: ballet, modern, and jazz dance technique; yoga; Pilates; improvisation; choreography;wellness and fitness training; and dance history. Secondary areas ofinstruction may include: ethnic dance; dance theater; contact work; andpartnering. Students are also exposed to various elements oftechnical theater such as costuming, lighting design, sound design,and front-of-house production.
In addition to a variety of concerts and plays thattake place at Arthur P. Schalick High School, students will participate in aSenior Project and will have an opportunity to perform at Appel Farm withstudents from other disciplines encompassed in the Academy of Creative andPerforming Arts. Students also have the opportunity to work with a numberof guest artists and choreographers throughout the year.
A stage audition is required for admission to thisdiscipline. Information specific to this audition will be provided to thestudent upon application.
The Academy of Creative and Performing Arts: Drama
Drama focuses on the discovery of self andthe appreciation of the literature and practice of theater. Theater isexcitement for those who make it and for those who experience it. Students who love theater and love what they are doing will find in the programa strong, broad education leading to a variety of careers and options. These include performance, design, technical theater, writing, directing, andteaching.
Students will participate in a variety oflearning experiences geared for developing interpersonal skills and anappreciation and understanding for the arts and the world around them. Students will be able to take part in a number of events including An Eveningof Scenes, the Fall Drama, the Spring Musical, the SCVTS Academy Showcase, andassorted events through Appel Farm Arts and Music Center.
Each academy student will experience athorough, well-rounded theater education, ranging from performance to historyand literature to all aspects of technical theater. The philosophy ofthis academy is to bridge the gap between theory and practice, thus bringingthe student to a broader understanding of how a stage production comestogether.
A stage audition is required for admission tothis discipline. Information specific to this audition will be providedto the student upon application.
Students in the Academy ofCreative and Performing Arts: Visual Arts VisualArts discipline will pursue a professional, studio-intensive program designedfor those who wish to become illustrators, designers, or fine artists. Thestandards are high and the work is demanding, but the ultimate rewards aregreat.
The academy provides students with a thoroughgrounding in fundamental principles and techniques with opportunities forconcentration in one or more specific fine art areas. There are a wide varietyof studio experiences, which may include: basic drawing; ceramics;illustration; photography; printmaking; painting; and sculpture. Academystudents will work in close collaboration with the instructor to reach theirindividual potential in the areas of art that will prepare them for theacademic and portfolio requirements for admission to competitive colleges anduniversities.
Students are expected to exhibit a rigorouswork ethic. They will have access to skilled artists through theresources of Appel Farm Arts and Music Center and will be exposed to many kindsof visual art through field trips to museums. In addition to a variety ofart exhibits that take place at Arthur P. Schalick High School, students willparticipate in a Senior Exhibit and will have an opportunity to present theirwork at Appel Farm.
Students applying for the Visual Arts Academyare required to submit for review a portfolio of existing artwork. Theportfolio should reflect talent and a strong commitment to art. Exactportfolio specifications will be provided to the student upon application.